• International Students

International Students

As of August 6 2024, any person with a biometric residence permit (BRP) expiring on December 31, 2024 can now create a UKVI account and access their eVisa, without needing an invitation from UKVI to do so. This applies to international students holding BRPs expiring on December 31, 2024. As part of the Home Office's plans to digitise the UK's immigration system, visa status is to be accessed electronically from January 1, 2025.

Travelling to the UK

Students travelling to the UK without their parent or legal guardian should carry with them a signed letter from their parents or legal guardian providing consent for their travel to, accommodation and reception in the UK. UK border control has been requesting specific signed consent letters for students aged 18 and under, requiring flight details (date, flight number and arrival time), parents' names and contact details, and name of the responsible adult meeting the child together with their position and contact details. We have always provided this on an annual basis but now issue a travel letter for all returns from Exeats, half-terms and end of term holidays. This is applicable to all overseas students but especially those travelling under Child Student Visas.

The updated letter for returning to school for the 2024/25 academic year and September 2024 start are below.

It would be appreciated if a copy of the completed letters could be emailed in advance of travelling to barbara.pring@tonbridge-school.org and schooladmin@tonbridge-school.org as well as being carried by your son when travelling. For all students who are sponsored under the Child Student Visa it is still vital for you to complete these letters and advise the School Administrator of your arrival date in the UK even if you are travelling with your parents.

Updated Letter of Parental Consent for Travel September 2024 is HERE

Updated Annual Letter of Parental Consent for Travel September 2024 - July 2025 HERE

TB certificates for current students applying for next visa

For existing sponsored students who will be applying for their next visa from overseas, please beware of changes to the TB certificate requirement that came into force on 5 October 2023. A student must provide a valid TB certificate if they have lived in a listed country for 6 months or more, including any period in the last 6 months (such as the summer holidays). This differs from previous wording which meant that students who had not been continuously residing in a listed country for a period of 6 months or more immediately prior to the application date were not required to provide a TB certificate.

Replacement of BRPs (biometric residence permits) - how do I get an eVisa and UKVI account? Full guidance from the Home Office can be found HERE. Students will be contacted direct by UKVI with specific instructions on how and when to create a UKVI account in order to obtain an eVisa.  Please do look out for this communication via email.  You will NOT be contacted by phone - if you are, please report this matter to the School Administrator immediately.


We have learned many lessons over the past few years, due to the pandemic, and now have to follow further guidance from the National Minimum Standards for Boarding and revised UKVI legislation, and we felt it timely to review our Educational Guardian Policy. A communication has been sent to all overseas parents to complete the new form which can be found above.

UKVI Child Student Visas

Your son’s visa application which should be done under the Child Student Visa application route and the link https://www.gov.uk/child-study-visa gives you helpful advice to make this process as smooth as possible. Applications can be made using the online UKVI form https://www.gov.uk/child-study-visa/apply

Further information can be found on the attached UKVI and Immigration Compliance Policy which outlines our duty as a School and your responsibilities as to this process. The Boarding Schools' Association have also provided a very useful guide HERE on the application process.

Registered Guardian in place with all consent forms received [please note in the attached UK Visas and Immigration Policy mention of a new Educational Guardian Policy and Consent Form – this will be shared with you over the coming weeks.]

Overview of the process:

As the education provider (sponsor), Tonbridge School will provide you with a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS), once the above has been received, which is a unique reference number for your son’s visa application, and also features our sponsor licence number.

The CAS will cover the period of study, i.e. GCSE or A Level (Sixth Form) depending on which year your son is entering.

This unique reference can only be used six months prior to the start of term (if applying from outside the UK) and three months prior to the start of term (if applying from inside the UK). The beginning of term for boarders is Wednesday 4th September 2024.

I would strongly request that your son’s Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) is delivered securely to the School. Therefore, please ensure you enter the Alternative Collection Location (ACL) code 2SC562 in the relevant area of the form when it is requested.

Please complete the attached Letter of Parental Consent for Travel 2024-25 for submission with your application.

The Letter of Parental Consent for Travel Sept 2024 will be sent to you in August term for completion and return to me, along with being carried by your son for his arrival in September 2024.

If your son has dual nationality please advise under which nationality/passport he will be applying and ensure that this is the only passport used for travelling to and from school and for school trips.

Please ensure that your son’s passport is not due to expire within 6 months.

In line with the school’s policy you will also have been asked to pay a term’s fees in advance and this will be evidenced on the CAS.

Once you have received your CAS reference number from me (password protected) please proceed with the application which I hope will be successful. Please keep me advised of the progress and final outcome. When you receive the decision letter from the UKVI you will be granted a 30-day vignette and it is imperative that a scanned copy of this is sent to me upon receipt. Please also read the section “Entering the UK” in the attached Policy.

If you do not require Child Student Visa please let me know so that I can amend my records accordingly. Similarly if your son will joining us through another route, i.e. Tier 1, PBS Dependent, BNO or EUSS please kindly advise and provide all relevant documentation to support this route of entry.

I would also like to mention that should your son wish to go on a school trip to a European Country, it is possible that he will require a Schengen Visa. 

 Full information on how to apply can be found here: https://www.schengenvisainfo.com/how-to-apply-schengen-visa/ The School can not apply for this on your son’s behalf but can provide any supporting documentation the application may require.

BREXIT - EU Settlement Scheme for EU citizens living in the UK

The deadline for applications has now passed.  When registering with the school you will be asked for evidence of your EUSS status which should be shared with the School via a secure link available from GOV.UK

If you do not have EUSS you will need to apply for a Child Student Visa. All information can be obtained from the School Administrator on schooladmin@tonbridge-school.org

Schengen Visas for Students on Child Student Visas (formerly Tier 4)

Child Student visas and Trips to Europe - please ensure you check, using the link below, if your son requires a Schengen Visa to travel.


Pre-entry tuberculosis screening under immigration powers

The Government have announced its plans to extend pre-entry tuberculosis (TB) screening to an additional 67 countries identified as having 'high incidence' of TB by the World Health Organisation (WHO). 

Check here if you need one: www.gov.uk/tb-test-visa

University Applications

With the Upper Sixth currently completing UCAS applications, it is timely to clarify the School's arrangements for university applications. It is the expectation of the school that boys should apply to university during their Upper Sixth year for entry the following October or, in the case of a year off, one year later. Earlier application (through, for example, the Early Admission Scheme at Hong Kong University) is discouraged. This policy rests upon our strong belief that boys who leave Tonbridge prior to Year 13 miss out on the important academic and leadership opportunities which are inevitably most evident when they reach the top of the school. We also believe that a community, such as that at Tonbridge, gains great strength from remaining unified and complete through to the end of the final year and that the early departure of individuals acts to undermine this. Extensive advice on university application, whether in the UK or elsewhere, is available both from your son’s housemaster and from our Head of Universities and Careers, Mrs Ruth Davis.

Day and Exeat Trips

International Students are offered Sunday trips out to a place of their choice, this could be Ice-Skating, Bowling or a trip to London. During the long exeat in September the boys will be taken to Europe. We have previously visited Paris, Brussels and Madrid!

Special Provisions

Provision is made for boys of other religions and we offer alternative assemblies for Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish and Muslim boys when there are whole school Eucharists. We also cater on request for special dietary requirements linked to religious observance and assist boys in practising their religion by organising visits to mosques.

School to Airport Transport

A coach to and from Heathrow Airport is arranged to collect boys travelling by air to and from their home countries at the start and end of every term and half-term. The coach is organised and accompanied by Barbara Pring, International Student Liaison Officer. Places on the coach must be reserved in advance.

At the start of term:
Boys' flights arrive at Heathrow between 6.00am and 6.30am.
Coach leaves Heathrow at 8.00am.

At the end of term:
Coach normally leaves the Quad at approximately at 1.45pm for Heathrow. Updates will be sent out by Mrs Pring prior to departure.

UKVI Contact information Update